Notes/Building a Boring Task List

Every week (or when feeling blocked), I create a brain-dump of to-dos and tasks for the coming days. For active projects (Travel, Event, Design work), I use a one-letter code. It's an open list. After making the list, I prioritise based on Commitment, Impact, Urgency and Need. I also decide what to focus, delegate or postpone (LNO FrameworkLNO Framework
All your tasks are not created equal. All tasks doesn't deserve your best effort.

Divide task to three types - Leverage, Neutral and Overhead. Do a great focused job if it's a leverage task. Do a ...
). The general rule is to Do lessDo less
The "Do Less" philosophy challenges the notion that constant busyness equals productivity. It's about focusing on what truly matters and letting go of unnecessary tasks. By doing less, we create sp...

I used to follow the Bullet JournalingBullet Journaling
Ryder Carroll created a method of organising personal information such as tasks, reminders, to-do lists, notes in a single notebook called Bullet Journal. It was primarily created for analog noteb...
migration method. Now, I start from zero and compare with tasks from the last brain-dump. This helps me reevaluate each task and its importance.