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Working Notes
Explore my Digital Garden of evolving notes on diverse categorys, waiting to bloom over time.
Credit your team
Disconnect to connect
Create to Give
Visual Thinkers vs. Visualisers
Explaining the Obvious
Save Screenshots
Pick your tools that serve purpose
Hype Doc
How I use Bullet Journal
Documenting Meetings
Building a Boring Task List
Accessibility is the first rule of Functionality
Do less
You don't have to be the first with an opinion
UID are not needed in Digital Zettelkasten
Slam it Shut and move on
Normal note-taking fails to connect ideas
Non-linear Note making
Making notes is the easiest part
Look for rabbit holes
Keep user experience discussions at the product level
Good meeting checklist
Focus on Outcome, not Output
Design is Scaling
Design System Branching in Figma
Design Decision Log
Changelog as a consistent communication tool
Breadboarding over Wireframes
Better Thinking over Better Note-taking
Meetings are not the place to surprise people
Third dimension to Eisenhower Matrix
LNO Framework
Software design should be opinionated
Lego-like structure
Stop spending time on Wireframing
Implementing a design System
Draw over the screenshot
Scorecards to Pilot Design System Migration
Never brainstorm for a topic
Writing the way you think
Design Debt as a Performance Indicator
Types of Notes in Zettelkasten
Outline Notes
Lots of inputs and a strong filter
Idea of having an Index Note
Fat-marker method
Evergreen Notes
Difference between Evergreen and Zettel
Bullet Journaling
Solve the problem not the feature
Installing Malayalam keyboard in Mac
Use your hands to think
Copying is the Way it Works