
Atomicity refers to the smallest, irreducible building block material. The core concept is that as you build things after defining the smallest, individual elements, then the possibility of mixing and matching increases, thus improving the scope of building Lego-like structureLego-like structure
An easier way of understanding Atomicity is by comparing it with Lego Box. The Lego Box contains a set of 'blocks,' a basic unit of the game.

### Atomic Concept
1. Lego Blocks are the smallest...
. It is seen in Implementing a design SystemImplementing a design System
Design System is a collection of reusable Components, build using Atomicity and Sub-atomic Design Tokens particles that follow the guideline, behave consistently, and together work as t...
, as we start by building atoms – the smallest, building block materials, or in ZettelkastenZettelkasten
*Zettelkasten* is a method of personal knowledge management used by Niklas Luhmann, a German sociologist. It recommends creating independent Atomicity notes so that we can connect them with oth...
, which recommends writing 'atomic' note that contains a single concept.
