Moka is a great tool to make rich, concentrated brew, especially if you like cloudy texture. It's easy, and by following very basic steps, it guarantee a good coffee. I prefer medium-dark or dark coffee for this method.
- Coffee : 12.5gm
- Grind : Fine
- Water : 140ml (mine is Bialetti Moka, 3-Cups )
- Brewing Time: 2:30
- Target Coffee : 100ml+
- Clean and dry Moka pot parts
- Fill the bottom part with hot water to valve
- Add grounds to basket (level it, don't tamp)
- Clean rim, assemble pot
- Set heat to medium-low
- Watch for first coffee drops
- Reduce temperature to lowest
- Remove when stream turns blonde
- Cool bottom with wet towel
- Serve immediately
- Optional: Add water and dilute.