Coffee/Julien Peak Forest

• Marc's Coffee

An Arabica from Shevaroy Hills, Tamil Nadu, roasted to light (Medium Light for me), the coffee comes is acidic and has less body. The flavour sweet notes are of cinnamon. The aroma is fresh and floral and great for morning cup of coffee.

  • V60-style with AeroPressV60-style with AeroPress

    Roast: Medium, Medium Dark
    Grind Size : Medium (like table salt)
    AeroPress Position: Standard
    Filter : 2 Papers
    Rinse filter with hot water, if it's new.
    Brewing Time: 1:30
    Water Qu...
  • Simple MokaSimple Moka
    Moka is a great tool to make rich, concentrated brew, especially if you like cloudy texture. It's easy, and by following very basic steps, it guarantee a good coffee. I prefer medium-dark or dark c...
  • Long Glass AeroPressLong Glass AeroPress

    Roast: Medium Dark, Dark
    Grind Size : Medium-Fine (like fine sand)
    AeroPress Position: Standard
    Filter : 1 Paper
    Rinse filter with hot water, if it's new.
    Brewing Time: 2:30
    Water Qu...