4C Workshop Framework

4C’s is framework is presented by AJ&Smart that can be used to design workshop. According to him, the topic, outcome or length of the workshop doesn't matter. The method has the following 4 steps: Collect, Choose, Create and Commit.

  • Collect
    • The goal of this phase is to collect the data and challenges from a team, and visualise it, so that it can set the scope of work.
  • Choose
    • On this phase, the team decides what to work on, and what will be ignored for the time being. Usually, on "design-first" thinking workshops, it's good to start assuming there is no tech-blockers or limitations.
  • Create
    • Third phase focuses on generating multiple solutions to the problems.
  • Commit
    • As the last phase, members create a plan of action for the prioritised solutions, making sure that they are actually going to be implemented.


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