Library/Make Time ✦ ❷

English • 2018 • Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky • Bantam Press

I turn to self-help books when I want to slow down and relax, without paying too much attention unless I’m searching for something specific. Make Time was one of the first English audiobooks I listened to while commuting, and it perfectly complemented my journey, as it focused on managing time rather than tasks. It was refreshing to see a book that went against the hustle mentality.

This book helped me slow down and focus on building systems that work, instead of chasing perfection. After reading it, I stopped searching for app-alternatives to my bullet journal, continued marking the highlight of my day, and began writing daily reflections—making my journal more conversational, and active part of my life.

I revisited it to tackle digital distractions and regain control over my technology use, though I’m still struggling with that.