Tools of Choice

Check out my handpicked collection of favorite tools, spanning analog and digital domains (Web, Mac & Android)


I utilise a MacBook Pro for office tasks, without delving into our tech and communication stack. We primarily rely on Figma for design ideation and UI creation.

Gradually, I've been transitioning my personal activities to an iPad Pro 2020, acquired during the Covid lockdown. Thus far, I've successfully migrated most routine tasks to it. Additionally, I own a Google Pixel 3a featuring Before Launcher and 95% of notifications disabled.


In October 2023, I purchased a new Kindle Paperwhite, upgrading from a second-hand 2013 model I had used for the past 6-7 years. This device is my primary reading tool. Occasionally, I turn to GoodNotes for reading and annotating PDFs.

To complement my Kindle, I employ Calibre for e-book organization and the Kindle Highlight plugin to transfer bookmarks to Obsidian. For managing bookmarks efficiently, I rely on Raindrop


Figma is my preferred tool for design needs (see Figma ResourcesFigma Resources
Community Templates

Material from Google
Primer from Github
ADS Components from Atlassian
Twilio's Paste Library
Base from Uber
Evergreen from Segment
AntD from Ant Designs
). Occasionally, I use GIMP for raster and Inkscape for vector designs. The Procreate App on my iPad is another favorite.


Organizing and storing notes in written form aids my learning and helps me connect topics. Formerly an Evernote and Notion user, I now use Markdown-based Obsidian for writing. For shared notes, I turn to Google Docs. Additionally, I employ Audiopen to capture audio and convert it to text – perfect for solo brainstorming.

Analog Tools

During meetings and brainstorming sessions, I enjoy jotting down ideas on paper. My analog note-taking is inspired by the Bullet Journal method (read How I use Bullet Journal). Currently, I use a Neorah Dotted Journal, along with ink pens like TWSBI Eco, Jinhao, and Lamy Safari Finetip, plus a Uni-Ball Kuru Toga for sketching.

Malayalam Input

For Malayalam typing, I use Indic Keyboard on Android, Varamozhi on iPad, and Keymagic on Mac (read Installing Malayalam keyboard in MacInstalling Malayalam keyboard in Mac
I use Key Magic with Mozhi Mapping to type phonetic Malayalam.Some times Mac might not allow you to install Keymagic from orginal source, in that case try download from Mac Download and install it....


YTMusic is my sole music source due to its vast regional content. For podcasts, I use PocketCast and Google Podcasts. Audiobooks are typically consumed via Audible, Storytel, KuKu FM, and occasionally Voice app.

Tech Stack

NameCheap manages my domains, while GitHub stores and Publishing the website, I favor VSCode as my code-editor and recently adopted PolyGit for Git maintenance on my iPad.


Brewing coffee and enhancing its profile has become my latest interest and hobby. I employ methods such as AeroPressAeroPress
Since 2022, I've possessed an AeroPress Go. Its portability, compact form, and lack of complex mechanisms render it a tool rather than a gadget. The simple plastic components and modularity ensures...
, Moka PotMoka Pot
Thanks to Nicola Junior Vitto, my Italian former manager, the Moka Pot is now a staple in our kitchen, as ubiquitous as Filter Coffee. I particularly enjoy using medium/dark roast or South Indi...
, and Filter CoffeeFilter Coffee
South Indian Coffee, or Filter Coffee goes well with milk, and is excellent companion to South Indian breakfast staples. The coffee powder, derived from Arabica beans, includes Chicory, altering bo...
, using equipment like a Scale, Thermometer, Electric Kettle, Timer.Coffee App as timer.

Other Apps

For project management, I suggest Basecamp if you value documentation and clarity. For simpler tasks, consider using Trello or Todoist. Jira isn't always necessary. Linear and Github Projects offer advanced tech project management solutions.

Regarding storage, Dropbox, iCloud, and Google Drive are recommended based on your preferences. I use all three's free tiers, but my primary storage is a lesser-known tool called PCloud, which has served me well for eight years.

In terms of browsers, I remain partial to Mozilla for its contributions to the tech community. Among Chromium-based options, I lean towards Arc due to its unique perspective rather than mere copy-branding.

Updated on April, 2024